Enriching lives through the joy of playing and teaching strings.
Teaching strings is best when done in conjunction with other teachers. We can’t do it all alone. ASTA helps us come together.
MA-ASTA is the Massachusetts Chapter of the American String Teacher's Association. We are a membership organization for string/orchestra teachers, studio teachers, and other educators helping each other to develop and refine our careers at whatever stage we happen to be. Our members range from budding student teachers to artist-status performers. Our chapter strives to foster a dynamic and interactive community of string educators in Massachusetts.The organization provides a vast array of services, including instrument insurance, an award-winning scholarly journal, discounts on publications and resources, annual professional development opportunities, and access to collegial network of colleagues throughout the string profession. To find out more about why to join, click here!
Engage in ways you never thought you could.
Our state chapter offers a number of benefits for you and your students including ASTACAP, MA-ASTA Master’s Solo, Chamber Music, and Competition Competitions, Student Chapters, Mentor Programs, Drinks! (our new monthly social activity), and more!
Ready to take the next step?
Join our team and become involved in whatever capacity is best for you. Levels of engagement can range from becoming a member simply to enjoy the benefit of reduced instrument insurance to becoming a board member at the state or national level! We have something for everyone.

"Your input is crucial to making MA-ASTA as strong and vital an organization as possible. Together, we — by sharing our ideas, energy, and experiences -- can be a powerful force in shaping the future of string education."
- Sharan Leventhal, Former President, MA-ASTA
Let’s meet up in real life to share in the joys of string teaching!
Drinks! is a monthly meetup for coffee/tea/wine/etc where string teachers can get together to chat, hang, and collaborate! Though typically hosted along train lines in the Greater Boston Area, we would love to help you organize a Drinks! event in your area!